Yesterday, we were working full force and all day on a five foot round mosaic that we are making for the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Upland California.
This is a picture of the image that we were working on.
This Kingdom Hall use to be an old Coco's Resturant. The large circle in this photo is where one of the two mosaics that we are working on will be installed.
We have so many willing volunteers that are helping to work on this piece. These friends came from Ontario, California. They have never worked with glass before however they were quick learners!
Maggie here is a pro at creative work and has been a great help on this project. Here she is placing the glass pieces onto the piece after another sister pre-cut them and grinded them. Each piece has it's place. |
You can see the great detail that goes into a mosaic! Here small pieces of glass carefully cut by our volunteers into various shapes like diamonds, triangles, and long wisps. Then we place them on the piece. |
In the horizon, strips of beautiful glass are placed to form the horizon bed. |
Cactus and cactus flowers are being formed. This is a work in progress because we place the pieces and then another voluteer that is an artist comes in and will come in and re-arrange the pieces to highlight the areas that need shading and highlighting so that it will come to life. We have a great team of artists that are working to make this a beautiful piece. |
More Cactus in progress.....
All of the work in being done in our one car garage. Yesterday it had to be at least 100 degrees outside and it was warm in the garage even though we had a portable air-conditioner running and two fans, but not one person complained! We were in our element and enjoying every bit of our day working! |
Tina, who is very talented in creative arts was checking out what needed to be done next. This is a tremendous project for all of us and we are all very greatful to be a part of this! So I will keep you informed of our progress...... Until Next Week...... |