Monday, July 18, 2016

Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires!!!!!!

As summer continues
 the land
 seems to get dryer and dryer
so please
lets be mindful
that there are many precious
men and women
who are sons and daughters
and nephews
and nieces
and husbands
and fathers
who need our help
to keep
all of us safe!
My nephew Sam
 (I call him Sam I Am)
is on his way to fight a wild fire.
He is the one in the front right.
I am so proud of him!
(And so nervous at the same time!)

My prayers are for all of our firefighters
out there!

This is my little brother Eddie
(We call him Capt. Eddie)
 who has been with the
Los Angeles County Fire Dept.
since right out of highschool.
He hopefully will be retiring soon?
He is catching up with me in age.....just kidding.
He's seven years younger than me.
And I couldn't be any prouder of him!