Friday, April 8, 2011

Kingdom Hall Inside....

We can't believe how the interior has come together so quickly....It seems like we were just meeting in the old Kingdom Hall and "poof", now we are almost ready to install the chairs......Check out how beautiful it is coming along.

 The stage area is an eggplant color and the side walls are a rich buttery yellow.......

These announcement boards are in the lobby.....

The stalls have already gone into the girls restroom.....

These are the bookcases for the second school.....

 We have beautifully made shadow boxes adorning the literature room.....

 These young sisters sat at the tables and hand-wrote "thank you" cards for everyone that was there working.  What a sweet thing to do.......
 This is the precious card I received from the young sisters, isn't it cute, a tool belt is so appropriate.....

Ps. 127:1 - Unless Jehovah himself builds the house, It is to no avail that its builders have worked hard on it. Unless Jehovah himself guards the city, It is to no avail that the guard has kept awake.

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