Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Inspiration From Friends.....

I have a many friends that are very inspiring in their own way but there is only one 
friend that inspires me in my garden! 
 My friend Cindy.  She has one of the most enchanting back yards that you have ever seen. 
 I have to share her yard with you!
Off her side patio leads to the most remarkable back yard.....

Just as you come in to the backyard on the right side is the fence.  Keith, Cindy's husband made great use of broken cement and built a retaining wall.  But to add to the atmosphere is the beautiful broken glass mosaic that Cindy and friends glued to the old wooden fence! (This was created by mistake when Cindy shattered a mirror by mistake and decided to just go with it)

I told you my friends are creative!!!  It looks just beautiful!!!!
And this is under a huge fruitless Mulberry tree that shades the whole area just
 like an big umbrella!  Too Cute!!!!

But that is not all!!!!!

Then you come into the backyard and  there is a beautiful three tiered pond that Keith and Cindy built years ago...
This pond has huge Koi swimming around and huge Lily pads and plants all around it.  We have had wonderful candle lit dinners and great parties right under this beautiful tree and when the party is going on Keith turns on the volcano that he built into the pond!!!!

And looking back at the house Keith constructed an iron canopy that will soon have fabric shades attached for the summer heat.  Isn't it beautiful!!!!

Want to keep those potato vines in control?

Just plant them in a beautiful urn like Cindy did!!!
I can't give Cindy all of the credit, she does get her green thumb from her mother Krista who has an equally fabulous backyard garden.

Even the front yard is enchanting with a small water pond planted in the front flowerbed and ferns that are soooo happy under another fruitless Mulberry tree.

These ferns are happy!!!!

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