Thursday, November 23, 2017

Updating Our Home......

 It's been one year now since Kim and I have started on our new journey of RV living......

We absolutely love our lifestyle and don't regret making this move! There is a sense of freedom that comes with this lifestyle that is so liberating....

That being said, no matter where you live you need to make your space your own....

And anyone who knows me, knows that even if I lived in a tent I would be making it my own!

So the time has come to make my roaming house a home!

I have lived with all of the original wood for one year and that is long enough.....

So I absolutely hated the tiles in the kitchen area and needed to get rid of them so I decided to paint them until I'm ready to tackle the project of replacing them. 

I started with the kitchen dining area....

Took out the dining room table since we needed the storage and put in these cubbies. But this is the before for now.

Oh boy, I hated this tile!!! It definately was not my style!!!

Paint lightened up this area...
Notice my view!!! I love our spot!!!

I love how bright the area is now! Can't wait to move on to the living room area....

I also need to steam clean the carpet when I'm done...

I love that I chose to paint the tile!!!
It looks like miniature subway tiles....
My neighbor thought that we installed new counter tops and appliances also but they just look new.

It's amazing what a can of paint will do!!!
These cabinets look so much better painted!

Of course I have to add some color!!!!
My island really is not this bright, it is actually a deeper green but shows up brighter in this picture....

My kitchen is happy now.....

Even my appliances look new with the fresh paint....

Can't wait to move on to the living room area
and the

Stay tuned.....

Monday, November 6, 2017

A New Journey Begins.....Transition To Grey Hair!!!!!

Ok, Everyone who knows me for so many years, those of you who have been in my life since I have been married have seen many changes that I have gone through.....including getting older and fatter!!!

But I'm not that 19 year old that was so tiny and cute anymore.....I'm going to be 61 in January!!!!

Although I don't consider myself over the hill nor do I want to just give up on myself just because I am getting older!

But let's face it ladies, unless we have some miracle or millions of dollars to spend on ourselves then we have to face facts and try to age gracefully!

So I'm embarking on a new journey.......

I have been greying since I was 18 years old and have been dying my hair for almost as long!

I'm tired of dying my hair every week just to keep up with my roots!

So I decided I'm going to take you on my journey with me.......

Here we go!!!!