Thursday, August 6, 2015

First Camping Trip for the Grandchildren......2015

Our grandchildrens first experience at camping.....And of course it rained ALL weekend!!!!!
Or should I say....
MOST of the weekend!!!
But that's ok, we had a blast!

We started the day off doing puzzles.
Cae Cae is the expert of puzzles so she was a happy camper!

Then Papi took Cae Cae to the pool!

This of course was a miracle
 because Papi NEVER gets in the water!

I have had a pool in every home that we owned and he NEVER went into the pool!!!
(It was always me and the boys in the pool!!!)

And he spent FOUR hours in the pool with his princess!!!!
I am so proud of you Papi!

She is a fish in the water!

After swimming all afternoon with Cae Cae & the boys.....
Papi had to educate Ya Ya on the basics of dominoes.

Do you notice the odd colored dominoes on the trail there?

Those are Cae Cae's, she couldn't be left out.

But of course she made her own rules for where the dominoes would be placed!

And we didn't DARE move them!

Uhhh, that dominoe should be in another spot and uhhh, shouldn't it be a six?
We know better than to argue with the Princess!

Cae Cae is in her element here, playing dominoes and having her snacks and her drink.
Happy Camper!

Then evening came and we were ready for the campfire.

We told stories by the campfire and chilled with family and friends....
Cae Cae in her chair next to her Papi.

Yup, she is a happy camper!!!

Eddie and Gigi and Abel came and hung out with us during the day and evening.
Eddie brought the most delicious corn on the cob that he makes, salsa, and beans to die for!
We had a feast at dinner time!

In the evening the teenagers hung out together and had fun too.

Just Chillin'

Ya Ya and Jordon.

Ok this pic didn't come out to clear but I had to post it because all of the white streaks in
Cae Cae's hair is MARSHMELLOW!!!

Yes, she really got into smores!!!!

After washing the smores out of Cae Cae's hair we cuddled by the fire!

I love those rare moments when she loves her Ammy even when Papi is around.


That's my girl! She loves smore's!

This was the view of the twinkly lights outside of our trailer
 right where Cae Cae and I slept.

When she saw them she held her face and told her Papi
"these are beautiful!" "You did this for me?"

You know that melted her Papi's heart!

The next morning after a downpour the kids were wondering what they were going to do.

I was prepared!

I broke out the games and they had a blast playing all of these unusual games for hours.

Trouble (the game, not the kids).

Kept them busy for hours.

They had a blast
learning and playing this game
 that my friend Kathrin from Germany sent me.

And then there is always the peg game to challenge them......

This child was having a blast!

Rain.....who cares!


The rain stopped long enough for the choo choo train
to give us a ride around the park.

This train comes out on the weekends at Wilderness Lakes
 and only costs 25 cents to ride.

It is a treat for the kids.

Cae Cae loved the train....

We got photo bombed by the little girl and her grandpa who rode the train with us.

Liz even came out to see how her babies were doing in the rain.....

But I think....
 she really came by because she was scared of the lightening and thunder while she was home alone!

Either way, she got to enjoy quality time with our Cae Cae coloring in the rain.

So what do you do when it continues to rain at the campsite?
 and everything is drenched?

You go to the cafeteria/wreck hall
 eat lunch and check out some games....
and hang out and relax!

Kim and Sheryl had a good game going of cards.

Cae Cae coloring.

There was french toast and sausage for breakfast...

Ya Ya ate them so fast there's none left on his plate!

I have no idea what the frown is all about
 Cae Cae made a picture for her mom.

She's got an attitude here
 we asked her to sport her visor that she made in the cafeteria during the craft sessions.

Had to take a picture of her wearing the paint of course!

While YaYa tries to take a decent pic with his sister......She is so dramatic!!!!

Gloria and Tony even enjoyed some down time with us after everyone left.

They surprised us and brought steaks, dessert and even drinks!

We really enjoyed the afternoon with them. 

Cae Cae was not too happy to go home....
Until next time.

Camping is one of the best ways to really enjoy
quality time
 with your family and friends.

It gives you the opportunity to just tune out the world
 the electronics
 the TV's

So we made so many new memories with our grandchildren on their first camping trip.

I hope that they will be memories
 that they will always cherish
just as we cherish the memories that we made with our boys.

I do know
that it won't be the last
 camping trip
 for us and the grandkids
 as long as they want to go.

Maybe we'll get mom and dad to come along next time.....Who knows.

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