Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My New Mini Pool.....

Ok, you know how much I love the water.....Well, Sun City is not the place to be if you love the water!  I toughed it out this summer without a pool and I just can't do it!!!!  I NEED WATER!!!!  Have you seen the size of my backyard?  Or should I say patio?  Well the only way to get water back here is to put in a spa.  But there was no way of even getting it through our side yards since they are very narrow.  So it had to go up and over!!!!!  As Ducky would say "Retracka"!!!! (I have no idea what that means but somehow I know that it applies to this)  Anyway here are the images of our spa going in as I am across the street, having a heart attack!!!!  Great job, Darrel!!!!

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