Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jehovah's Wonderful Creations......

I woke up this morning and it was an over cast and gloomy day outside.  You know those days that you just want to stay under the covers and just veg all day....Well with the district convention starting tomorrow and there is lots to do, I knew that wasn't going to happen....

It amazes me how it could be so gloomy outside and all I have to do is make myself a cup of coffee (real strong coffee) and walk outside into my back yard and I instantly get a smile on my face.....

It doesn't matter that it is a small space....or that I don't have any grass back here....but it is MY space....

You could have a small patio....a balcony.....a doorstep....whatever!  But as long as it has flowers and life added to it, it will add to your life....

I just love the way everything in the garden smells and the way it looks back at me....I love the colors.... the way it is responding to my care....the rewards it gives me...are theraputic!  Here are some of the photos I took this morning in my happy place.....ENJOY!

The annuals are so colorful!!!

I harvested my first zuchini this morning, can't wait to have it for lunch!!!

My garden sign....

The garden.....

Brilliant colored geraniums....I love them because I can't kill them....

The herb garden.....

Even the patio lime tree is showing me it's happy with it's blossoms....

Flower pots with more color...

I don't know what this bush is called but the hummingbirds love it and so do I....

My love bird feeder....

Beautiful Rose Bloomed....

Look at all the buds on this rose bush!!!

And I know the Rubber Ducky is happy too....

Tomato's are happy....


More wildflowers...

We did a collage of our iron on our back wall.  Candle holders and iron and planters... I love lighting the candles at night and illuminating the backyard....

Wild flower seeds are doing great!!!!

All I know is that even though we live in a very stressful world today, it makes me really appreciate what Jehovah is going to do for us on an even grander scale when the whole world is a beautiful garden.  I have just a glimpse of the amazing beauty that Jehovah has created, and I'm reminded of how great he is each time I harvest something from the garden or each time I pick a beautiful flower to put in a vase and each time I step out into my special place.....

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